Friday, November 26, 2010

First Post? =]

I've had numerous outlets along the way of expressing feelings, emotions, and just day to day doings... As I've gone through the old and seen what I've gone through and how I've felt, I realized, I need to get back into it. Especially now that I have an ALMOST 6 month old. What? You're kidding me... Ah!

Well as we near the end of November, Layla has had her first Halloween and now Thanksgiving! Sheesh o peats, time just seems to FLY! Before we know it, Christmas will be here and gone! I'm taking full advantage of Christmas this year because of Layla, so our tree is up already! Hahaha, after one hectic night last night!

We've already got our Santa presents for Layla (the toys!), so now we're gonna work on the stocking stuffer things and the things that will be from us! (clothes, earrings)

Now that I have this blog, I'm GOING to post, as much as I can. I need to be writing and keeping the memories of Laylas ever so precious baby life alive!

Welp everyone, I hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving and here's to the holiday season!

btw, does anyone know where I can find a Christmas layout for my blog? I really wanna jazz it up, but can't find anything!

I will leave you with this though:

Layla and her Great-Uncle Mike!

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